01 BHK Flat In Chattarpur | Flats in Delhi




Type : Sell
Date : October 2, 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Service-url :https://sites.google.com/bhkquest.com/01bhkinchattarpur/
Location : A-249, Main Road, SSN Marg, Near Nanda Hospital, Chhatarpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110074

Property Area: 50 Sq Yards

Locality: Chattarpur

Parking Facility Available: Yes

CCTV Camera/Gated Security: Yes

Registration Type: GPA

Transportation: Delhi International Airport is just 30 minutes away, and Chattarpur metro station is just 10 minutes away from this property.

Other Amenities: Water storage, and ease of accessibility to well-connected bus stations, schools, hospitals, markets, gyms, banks, ATMs, grocery stores, etc.
Contact: 9899643663; 9871546663

Email: Mahaveer@bhkquest.com, bhkquest@gmail.com

Mention Arzooclassifiedads.club when calling seller to get a good deal




A-249, Main Road, SSN Marg, Near Nanda Hospital, Chhatarpur, New Delhi, Delhi 110074


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